People call me weird. Do I care?
Absolutely not.
In fact I kind of agree.
I am completely weird.
I love books, music and above all FOOD, like seriously, I eat ALL the time.
My name is Ash, I am 16 years old and my favorite color is blue.
I also like black because it's cool and evil.
my self esteem level? Zero!
For some reason I'm a dark poet, and I love singing, I often have concerts in my bathroom for the towel, the shampoo, and all the bathroom stuff. Best fans ever.
I love playing pranks, it's my thing, I have literally pranked every one of my friends.
I cry when my internet doesn't work and sarcasm is my middle name.
And, I have a tendency to fall in love with fictional characters *coughs* Warner *coughs*
I love algebra, human anatomy, peanut-butter and Nutella.
I wonder if anyone actually read this, if you did you are as perfect as chocolate :)
Thank you!
  • Üye olduJanuary 3, 2016

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