
The new part of my book, "Anne Boleyn and the Death of the Tudors", is now on Wattpad! Please check it out and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy Part 7, "Norfolk"!


Hi,youve done an amazing book. Im enjoying every page. Its so intriguing with this special plot. Love it. I cant wait to read more. Hav a nice day: )


@ Miss_ElinaRose  Oh thats so great to hear!! I'm excited to be able to continue the journey. Thanks for letting me know.<3


@Miss_ElinaRose Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback. I am actually finally working on next part! 


Hey there - thanks for the follow! I'm enjoying your Death of the Tudors story so far. I love historical fiction, and REALLY love the Tudors, but the amount of research involved has always scared me away from trying to write my own HF book. Love that Anne gets to live this time; can't wait to see what she does with her reprieve! 


Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying it. Yes, the research is a bit scary, but I'm just working it out as I go along. It will certainly be a different kind of ending in this book!