
Hey guys. I want to write another story but I am at a loss on how to start it. Any ideas?


I am so sorry that I have not been writing lately, I have just been so busy with schoola dn doctors. It is rather difficult for me to balance everything right now.
          And to be honest I have lost my insiration for writing.... I am sorry to disappoint you guys.


Hey guys, sorry that it's been so long, I have been in and out of the hospital moving and I know finally know that I have an Ulser in my stomach, so I have not been feeling 100%
          I have, however, been writing as much as I can, :)
          ~ Xox Asha


Hey guys. I just want to say that i am so ashamed. I changed Damons eye colour. It was unintentional. I will fix it up as soon as i can.
          Also I am currently unable to update as I am bogged down with assingnments and school.
          I will update soonish I hope. Thank you for understanding :)
          ~Xox Asha


Sorry guys, I wont be able to really write and update for a while. I'm dealing with hospital stuff...
          I'm sorry guys. Ill get better soon so as I can update soon
          Love you all and thanks for your patience :)
          ~Xox Asha


Ok guys, so I am going to attempt to write a longer chapter, as of now I am halfway done it. 
          I promise to update this chapter of 'Salty Relations' sometime tomorrow, tomorrow night at the latest.
          Thank you all for your support, it means the world to me :)
          ~Xox Asha