I apologize for not being on that often, I actually have a valid reason for this now. About a year and a half ago I started a project on here called The Mime, I published it but never continued it and when I did I changed the name of the project to the Shadowmaster. I then left it alone and never picked it up again. the last couple months I have gotten a few people to help me write a demo reel for The Mime and a few other vigilantes that we will be showing at FilmFest of 2016 in Traverse City, Michigan. It will be a fifteen minute demo reel and if it gains enough interest we will be trying to make at least one of the films which will be The Mime. This and school will be taking up all of my time so I will not be updating any stories. Once again I apologize and I hope to see you all at filmfest and one day on the big screen.