So, um… I’m really not quite sure how to start this off, but I’m sorry for being MIA for over a month. I SWEAR I HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION:
All throughout August, I was volunteering in a kitchen for most of my mornings. If you know anything about the environment of a kitchen… well, then you might have an idea of why I’ve been radio silent. For those that don’t, kitchens are usually high-tension, stressful environments. It’s loud, it’s hot, and everything needs to be done quickly and up to standard.
I was on my feet constantly on those mornings, and was completely exhausted by noon. I just couldn’t work up the energy and the will to get more writing/editing done, so everything has been at a standstill. I don’t regret doing the volunteer work, but it definitely affected my progress.
This past week was completely on me though (or you could blame mihoyo, if you’d like :D), so I’m sorry for that as well!
Anyway, hopefully I’ll get back in the right headspace and get back to business before school starts.
Have a good rest of your day/night <3