So a bit of news for the second Revelers book:
* The next book focuses on Mathilde — two versions of her. The real-life version of her that Ari knows as her sister, and an alternate version whom Ari confronts while in the Dream.
* I finished the Prologue and the first 4 chapters. I'll establish a weekly release once I finish one more chapter.
* I have yet to get a cover done with it. The story might have a temporary image until I can get an official one from my artist. Artists are expensive, and I really don't want to use AI.
* Much of it will draw inspiration from Final Fantasy, especially the Eikons summoned by Samza and some locations and characters. However, Samza's version of the same Eikons might draw inspiration from elsewhere. Samza explains this to another summoner when she confronts one in the Dream. So in some ways, it's like a Final Fantasy fan-fiction, but isn't.
* Speaking of Fantasy, while the first book was more Sci-Fi with Fantasy elements, the second book will be more Fantasy with some Sci-Fi elements.
* I have up to the end of Act 2 outlined but I find a lot of stuff changes course when I'm actually writing the story. For example, I outlined a boss encounter for the beginning, but ended up changing it when I wrote the chapter.
* While the first Revelers book had two chapters per week, this one will only have one per week. The flip side to this is that the chapters will be longer (about 4~5k words). There might be exceptions to this if I end up writing a half-chapter. Half-chapters will be because I'll have to shift PoVs mid-chapter.
* Just like the first book, this will also have multi-PoVs, but I don't intend to get too wild with it. The primary narrators are Ari and the two versions of Mathilde.
* While I have written the first book for YA audiences in mind, the second book may contain scenes and situations that could be considered "New Adult" in nature. It also has more profanity -- Samza is not the only character dropping the F-bomb.