thatoneanimequeen's me. I've been wondering if you know that I'm alive and this is my old account. I'm using this one now and redoing The Rogues are Back and Ironstrange hopefully make it better than the original. I also got into anime the years I've been gone so I'll do stories on that too I already have a story on Danganronpa and you guessed its gay. Anywhooo Go check out this account and -Pengi- they are a friend of mine and I wouldn't have made it here without them. Thank you for your love and support while I was gone. They didn't go unnoticed. I love you all. 


@thatoneanimequeen its -Penji- with a j not a g


Erm, Hello people! It’s me again, the friend of Asheandluca, I just wanted to say that she’s now allowed to have an account again! 
          This is her new account name, she’s gotten new interests now that time has passed but there still might be a chance that she’ll continue her stories
          Thank you all for your patience, and we both hope you’re having a great day!


Hey, I’m a friend of the author. She can’t update right now (parental issues). And she will update when she’s allowed, I’m not sure when she will but she’s positive she will one day. She wanted me to say that she reads all the comments and loves them. She appreciates them and wants them to keep coming.


 I hope everything gets better