Hello everyone,
It’s been a long while since I have been on here. What can I say, I have missed it. But life had gotten in the way. Been, and still am, being treated for mental illness which is the main reason why I haven’t been active here.
The other reason is school. I have finished high school and last year I had dedicated to the goal of graduating, which has now been achieved.
And thus, I am free now for 3 months, think I enroll onto university. So I’m the meanwhile, I am going to do my best to write as much as I can, and will try to publish on here as much as I can.
I want to write the book 2 and 3 to Initium novum, which is a trilogy.
And I have a fantasy series which is in working, first book of the first Tale is being written so that is exciting as well.
Hope you all are doing good and that you gonna like my work, both current and the one yet to be.