Three poems that I wrote myself.
Poem 1:
"A Broken Girl in a World of Perfect"
There was a girl who saw the world of perfect, as imperfect
For she had seen the dark side of the world already at a young age
For she saw the perfect world as imperfect as a broken girl seeing through a world of perfect
There she went about her day, through the world as she saw it.
Everyday, she saw a mask being put on and taken off,
By her friends, by her parents, and by everyone she went to school with, she wondered why she had seen these,
If they were so important to keep hidden away, in this world of perfect that she knew not of.
Then why was it that she saw it?
Why was it, that she saw these masks that were being used in this world of perfect seen through an imperfect and broken girl's eyes?
Now, don't get me wrong, when I tell you that the broken girl in this story, has not gone so far, that she won't ask anything about what she sees.
You see, the broken girl, she asked one of the perfect people, in the world of perfect that she still knew not of, why they were putting on, and taking off, these masks of their's.
What she got in response, was not something she was expecting.
What she got in response, was ridicule, hate, mocking things, and regret for asking in the first place.
And once again, she was shown the dark side of the world, in this world of perfect, that she still sees as imperfect, that she still knows not of.
She watches as they struggle within themselves,
She watches as they tear each other down and apart, and as others build each each other up.
You see, she takes to virtue, to heart, and to mind, how these supposed "perfect people" act around each other.
And she realizes then, that they have built themselves up in their world of perfect, that she knew was imperfect.