Hello! Do you have a tip for getting more followers? XD We started around the same time, and you have like 50 followers. 0-0 (Congratulations, btw!)
@THETAIREAMER2000 Ok! Thanks for the tips! The following back thing is called "follow for follow" on Scratch, or F4F. It's really fun at times, but sometimes you don't want to commit to a person who might be mean or a bully. (I have experienced it, so I tend to not do it.) As for being more active, I really should. XD And sure! I can make you some Taiream art! <3 I'll also post it on Scratch if you want to see it there. I'll post a book series with some of my art too! It's a good idea at least. Might get some more followers. :P
@CaseyWrites16 Can you make a TAIREAM art please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333