Hey all! Just thought I'd do a quick check in regarding my radio silence of late- don't worry, I haven't disappeared! My hiatus is partly due to just being overwhelmed with a number of life things at the moment. Moving and coping mostly! I've simply been working and existing, and subjected to so many colds and flus lately, I honestly haven't had it in me to open up a document and get writing. I'm not going anywhere! In fact, there are plans afoot. In anticipation of this, I will let you know that my Blackwood & Friends series will be taken off WP within the next couple of months while I edit and polish them for future endeavours :) just a tentative heads up there- dates to follow soon. Additionally, I have not forgotten that I have 2 WIPs that have been left unattended. I'll get to them- promise! The Virgo in me hates that they aren't completed, trust me. Lastly, thanks to everyone who is following, commenting and voting on my works. It really means a lot to me. Please do reach out to me on Instagram if you wanna drop a chat or a message! I love hearing from you x Take care! Ash x

@MarijaIstrate lol that is so sweet but yesssss I actually want to see physical copies of them on my shelves!! It is time lol but won't be for awhile and it'll be staggered as well, with opportunities for free reads and sign ups. All in due course! :)