There you are! Guess who? lol I thought your username was ashash6 then I remembered you have the same username on other platforms. Anyway this my username now.

@AshiAshi6 I agree that it’s not nearly as user friendly from a reader’s side. I honestly don’t read even half the amount as I used to on this app. I got the kindle subscription and been devouring their included library but it’s a totally different experience and of course no connection to the writer. I do like wattpad the best for writing though. It’s keeps everything much cleaner and organized than other apps I tried. I do copy everything over to google docs now too. Lesson learned. When you get your first book up shot me a message. I check on here every few days now as I’m trying to get back into writing more often. As long as it sticks I’ll be here, but if not you got my email too. Shot me a message whenever you got any random thing on your mind. I miss hearing from you :)

@Wicked_Midnight I miss our commenting and updating each other, too. I swear there's not a single day passing by that I don't think of those times. Wattpad definitely hasn't been the same. Give or take a year ago, I could hardly imagine checking Wattpad only once a day, I spent any free time I could on the app. Now, a week may just go by before I visit the app again, and I don't even notice. It's such a shame, for me, it has a lot to do with the overall feeling I have when I'm here. The users are still the best. Other things... have lost the "welcoming" feeling they had to me before. While I agree Wattpad is still user friendly (especially compared to similar apps or sites), it's... not been doing a good job to keep it that way at all. Which shows in a wide variety of things, such as the ads (frequency, who gets to see them and when/where), the advertising of the paid stories (I have a premium account. I PAY. One of the reasons being NO ADS. But I DO get ads AND unwanted notifications about everything paid-story related, while the notifications that I WANT to see (and should see, as per my settings) don't work anymore. I don't get notified about replies/new messages anymore, nor do I get notified whenever any books in my library have been updated (which is the worst one). And then I haven't even mentioned how you can't private message each other anymore.

I don't think on logged on here for almost a year. WP is definitely not like it use to be :( I’m just using this to write now. I’ve been procrastinating long enough. Unfortunately it’s still my favorite platform for writing. I tried many others but WP has the most user friendly IMO. Eventually I’ll get all my old stories up too. Devil side I have to edit age of Alley to fit guidelines so it might be awhile. Hope to see you around. I miss all the comments and updates with each other.