tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
Guys I am not okay. My oldest brother Cody did something bad to me when I was little. I told the cops and he went back to Indiana. A couple weeks ago I found out that he came back as like a run away or something. I live in an apartment and right next to it is a park. Well he is now living in the park. My mom is 100% okay with it and doesn't care. She gives him food and money, and other supplies. He has been in the apartment. I am scared for my life. My second older brother Christian did the exact same thing to me and when my mom and dad finalize the divorce Christian is going to be living with us. I want to die so bad. I can't sleep at night ( Not that I really could to begin with) and I cry myself to sleep every night. I am so scared!! I am freaking out everyday thinking " Holy shit its going to happen again" I did something bad to myself when I got home the weekend I found out. MY arm was stained with blood. But I am healing! I don't feel safe at all!! I want my ex- best friend back, but I don't think he would take me back. I mean who would?? I am a mess. With him I felt safe and wanted and needed. If he came back into my life and I could talk to him everyday. I might just not want to end my life. But ugh, I can never get him back!!! FUCK MY LIFE!!! END IT ALL!!