
Since my last announcement I've been up and down with illness, but I'm moving on. I will be posting a new poem tomorrow, but from now on it will not be every Thursday since I've already tried and failed that. I do also have other stories in the making and I hope all of you stick around for my journey.


Since my last announcement I've been up and down with illness, but I'm moving on. I will be posting a new poem tomorrow, but from now on it will not be every Thursday since I've already tried and failed that. I do also have other stories in the making and I hope all of you stick around for my journey.


Hello there everyone! I didn't post last week because I started off with the flu and ended up with strep throat and a killer fever. Finally I'm feeling better to bring you a new poem. It's untitled because I could bring myself to name it. If you have a suggestion please comment on the poem and let me know. Thank you for sticking with me through this.
          xo, Ash