
Hey your book Another love another time is being promoted on fb by an app that steals books from Wattpad and Kindle. They don’t pay authors, follow copyright laws and charge outrageous fees to read the books. 
          Here’s the fb ad link: https://fb.watch/vFf_eM0v-w/?mibextid=cr9u03
          Here’s the book link: 
          Wattpad should assist you in sending you a DCMA. Report them to the apps store as well. I have reported them for selling stolen work. 


Hi sweetie, I'm rereading your first book , and I was wondering if you were going to finish the second one????? I absolutely love the first one!!!!!!! I just can't believe that is your first book.... Are you going to keep writing??? I hope so because you are very good with the words!!!! The first one is one of my favorites!!!  Please keep writing!!!!!!Thank you for sharing your stories!!!!!!!!


@carolSfoster Thank you so much, I will be reading till the end!!!! Hope you keep writing, you are awesome!!!!!!!!


Thank you! Yes I will be finishing it. It’s just taking me a little bit of time. I will have a chapter posted tomorrow. 