
I haven't been online in a little while but I decided to take down or put them in draft mode for now. I will be leaving some of the stories up for you all to enjoy. I will be trying to finish up Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 today/tonight. Thank you for all the continued support! Happy reading!


I haven't been online in a little while but I decided to take down or put them in draft mode for now. I will be leaving some of the stories up for you all to enjoy. I will be trying to finish up Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 today/tonight. Thank you for all the continued support! Happy reading!


Okay Shift, is now going to be in 4 parts. Maybe 5, parts. But for now it'll be slow on updates. But part 1 Betrayal is up. Happy Reading. The cover is amazing! I love it! 
          P.S. Let me know what you all think about it, first time I've ever written something dark as this. Feedback is appreciated.
          P.P.S Thank you to all my new followers and new readers. I hope you all like my writing style and my stories. I really appreciate the support! <3 you all~Kisses! Muah!


Hey my lovely wattpadders, how have you all been doing? I haven't been on here in a couples months! I've been so busy! Little dude is now 2 years old! Can't believe that at all, then I've started with Scentsy and now a Certified Consultant! 
          But I'm actually going to be updating soon I've got two new chapters for Bitten & Changed *unedited* to share!