
Ashley is a thief! Here is the link to the original story. Just a warning Ashley, take the story down or else.


@miasahni you are talking to a thief! These stories are not hers!


@XxAshleyWhitexX  you are a thief and a liar. You didn't ask PhxGrl for the rights to post her story. 
            She was always just a PM away on  fictionpress. You could have got in contact with her at anytime, if you really wanted to. What you did was wrong and I hope you learned a lesson! Thanks


@VivicaTheFox i didnt steal it, i tried to contact her but i ddint know how and now she just messaged me and kindly asked me to delete it and i did and for the record i didnt take credit for anything because i mentioned it alot in my bio and posts that this work is from phoenix girl and most of the people wanted to find more about her so i gave them a link to her account on FictionPress, please search thoroughly on what your saying before actually complaining about it, Thank you


Hello I read your blood raped by the vampire Prince and I was amazed by how good it was no words can I say to tell you but that was amazing I loved the ending it was so sweet but never ever listen to what the haters say they don't know good work when they read it xxx 


@Rosemaya12345 this is not her story, she stole this from Fiction Press!


Please don't delete the book (if u aren't gonna update)(because the books completed),its rlly good & I don't no y ppl r backlashing u did tell us before we read/at the beginning of the book that credits aren't yours & I don't no if u copied the book word for word or if u changed but the fact is ur a rlly goof author & the book is amazing 


@introverteddream she also stole this book from Fiction Press!


I just wanted to say that i read and finished "Raped by the Vampire King" within a week. That's how good your story is. Don't worry about hate comments, some people can be real jerks. I love your story. I wish I was good as you. Keep writing.


Hello can you plz tell me if under his mercy is being continued by anyone?


@vivicaTheFox i wasn’t even planning to


@areeka25 DO NOT continue this story unless you get permission from the actual author!


@XxAshleyWhitexX  How dare you give permission to someone to continue to steal someone else work. If you truly want to be a better person you will take the stories DOWN!