Update on my drabble on my relationship
I've decided I'm going to break up with them
I feel like I'm using them
I can't find the energy or the desire to even interact with them
not to mention, future came up in one of our conversations
They said they could see me as a mother
with bio kids
they said when they looked to the future
they could see me pregnant
and I just can't
I feel sick when I think about it,
I don't want kids
and I I did
I'd prefer to foster or adopt
I could never ever see myself with bio kids
and on top of that I don't think I'd be a good parent
I just can't get past that
If anything I'm scared that
like for so many women
they'll get me pregnant without me knowing
I've heard stories and I'm honestly too paranoid that they'd do that
I know it's probably nothing but regardless
I'm not risking it