
I've been soooooo inactive lately! I'm so sorry! If you guys still want me to post and still enjoy my writing please leave a request 


Hello! Would you mind spreading the Word about #ProjectHidden? It's for those people in the world that are suffering behind close doors. The people who put on a mask like 'Im okay."  I just want people to know by spreading awareness that people are going through things everyday that you would never even realize. If you don't, and you feel unconformable, you don't have to. But if you have some free time, please don't hesitate.


Been literally waiting two years for an update on 85 Vauxhall Cross m.c. to be updated lmao still holding out for it too! It's such a good book and I will literally wait for as long as I have to, just to be able to read more of it. May have to go restart it once you do update it tho. Hahah haven't read any of it in foreverrrrrr


@Malec_isLife21 like it's that good, I absolutely love it. 