
Hey guys I still exsist!! So I was looking at my top two books. And iv decided to  only continue one. So! Who would rather me pick up where I left off on 'Running from time'. OR continue 'Mechanic Dreams' but start over? I'd like to hear your votes. I'll decide this Saturday.


Hey guys I still exsist!! So I was looking at my top two books. And iv decided to  only continue one. So! Who would rather me pick up where I left off on 'Running from time'. OR continue 'Mechanic Dreams' but start over? I'd like to hear your votes. I'll decide this Saturday.


Hey guys me again.
          Iv had the second chapter out for a while. I hope to get this story more interesting. Stay tuned for chapter 3. 
          I also wanted to let you all know that I will have easter eggs hidden throughout Mechanic Dreams. Easter eggs, I mean like things from movies or other stories ect. First to find the Easter egg gets the next chapter dedicated to them. (Not every chapter will have a easter egg.) Please let me know what you think about my book. Give me honest opinion. I want to know what I can do to make it good or better.
          -Ashlyn W.
          P.s. thank you all for giving me inspiration


Hey guys! Sorry for the inactivity. But I plan on having the first chapter of my new book out soon. Iv done writing and rewriting just to get it right. And I'm still trying to do it. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks friends


I have good news and bad news.
          The bad news is, because of all the studying and homework iv been having I cannot study history for "Running From time" I have been trying to update it best I can. And I am sorry to say that I am going to stop updating it.
          And the good news is, last night I had a spectacular dream. Almost a whole story that I know would have you all at the edge of your seats. So if I write a new book, I don't have to do extra studying. AND it would save me time.
           So sorry to all those who were waiting for the next chapter. But I have a feeling this next book. Will be even better.