Okay, since Moon hasn't been on this combined profile I am trying to get updates on Dark Warrior and Crushed, more so Crushed, on top of my warriors trilogy. Idk why, but I have a nagging feeling that Crushed might be canceled D: I mean, it is a great idea, but with such slow updates and Moon not on this account that much.... its hard. So, I'm moving Warriors: Dark Warrior onto my account, so that it will be updated, and I'll ask Moon what to do about Crushed.... because I can't put it on my account because some of the chapters are by her (such as the prologue, chapter 2, chapter 4, chapter i think 6) cuz we did every other chapter. SO.... if you think Dark Warrior is a good idea, then you might have to wait for an update... I'm hoping I can get one in soon. I have a bunch of chapters complete for Dark Warrior, which I can switch onto my account because the idea and all the chapters and rules and allegiances are by me.
So long, hope to update soon,