
It's been six months (give or take) since I posted new chapters to my NaNo2022 project... today, I've added two new chapters *hushed crowd cheering noises*. My goal is to add new chapters once a month from now on, until the plot is finished. Hopefully next month it'll be more than two chapters. *fingers crossed* Anyhow! Read, enjoy. See you in a month. ;)


It's been six months (give or take) since I posted new chapters to my NaNo2022 project... today, I've added two new chapters *hushed crowd cheering noises*. My goal is to add new chapters once a month from now on, until the plot is finished. Hopefully next month it'll be more than two chapters. *fingers crossed* Anyhow! Read, enjoy. See you in a month. ;)


NaNoWriMo is officially over! I'm excited to report that I "won"—I successfully wrote 50K in 30 days. In honour of this win, I've published chapters 14-17. The story isn't finished yet, so I'll keep working on it, though at a much slower pace in December.


Third "Friday" update complete! Only, it's Saturday. I had my booster shot on Thursday and yesterday, looking at a computer screen was a challenge, hence the one-day-late publishing (sorry about that). 
          Today's update includes chapters 8-9. I've hit my annual NaNoWriMo Mid-November Slump, so I'm now behind on the word-count... Hoping to catch up this weekend, so I can publish more chapters next week. Will it happen? 
          Probably not.


Second Friday update complete! Chapters 4-7 are now available. 
          I'm a day or two ahead on my NaNo word count, which is good because I need that buffer to get me through my annual NaNoWriMo Mid-November Slump. It hits every year and often hits hard. I'm hoping that my commitment to posting the stories here will keep the slump on easy mode this year. 
          This has been an update.


"posting the stories here" should be "posting the chapters here"... sorry for the typo!


My first Friday NaNoWriMo story update is done! Chapters 1 to 3 are now available. 
          In usual me fashion, my first week of NaNo is going very well! I've crossed the 7K mark and my word count continues to climb. Fingers crossed I can maintain a steady momentum all month this time!