
what is Sadness?
          	a deep down sentiment, can not be seen but felt ..
          	that stuck thing in your throat, which hamper your breathing .
          	that incendiary thing in your eyes, which lance your tears.
          	those dark thoughts in your head, which Exhaust your thinking.
          	Sadness is a strange thing, which feels so familiar 


عيوني يمته ناويه تكملين فجر تيانا؟ 


@ sadan_2537  يعمري ان شاء الله 


            حبيبتي ، معلش انا آسفة مكنتش استخدم الواتباد لفترة لكنني راجعة الايام دول ان شاء الله ♡


Hello, this is @depressedgirls537. The username probably explains it. We are two people, girls, who are both depressed, very depressed, and only a tad suicidal.  We decided that it would be useful if we created a place where you and us could rant, talk about depression, general sadness, and stuff happening in our lives.
          Before you yell at us, no, we're not triggering. We're not scamming. We're not criminals. We're not evil, nor satanic, nor the deserving-to-be-reported kind. We know that there are these types of people get that sudden urge to do something, anything, to themselves, right at that moment. You think we're little amateur scammers? Then you're wrong. You think we don't know about it? Well we do. We are one of those types of people.
          If you can, spread the word to other people you know are like us - you know, the cry-twenty-four-slash-seven, completely-depressed, Sherlock-jumped-off-a-hospital-why-not-me kind of person. That would mean a lot.
          From your li'l depressed lasses,
          If you're like us and would rant on and on for hours, just go here:


what is Sadness?
          a deep down sentiment, can not be seen but felt ..
          that stuck thing in your throat, which hamper your breathing .
          that incendiary thing in your eyes, which lance your tears.
          those dark thoughts in your head, which Exhaust your thinking.
          Sadness is a strange thing, which feels so familiar 


it's Midnight and I'm still up 
          my dark thoughts float and fill all the space in my room 
          I can't breathe...
          the tears keep falling down,  rolling my cheeks to the ground,  too much cry 
          my room is sinking in my sadness 
          I can't breathe...
          why do you keep on turning off every single candle I light 
          Stop pressing my neck and strangling me
          I can't breathe...


وأنت تكبرين ، ألم تتغيري ...
           ألم تفقدي تلك الضحكة البريئة العفيفة ، و تستبدليها بأخرى عالية ومغرية ... 
          ألم تفقدي ذلك الوجه الصافي المنير ، و تستبدليه بآخر ترسمين عليه ألوانا بالمايك آب وتضيفين بعض الهايلايتر لأن نوره اختفى ....
           ألم تشتاقي لتلك الأيام ، لتلك النسخة المصغرة منك التي ترى العالم بأعين وردية تشع حبا ...
                                                                   من خربشاتي


@Asmae_ham هذا..تعلمين ماذا كل مدى اكبر اخبر ذاتي انني كنت حمقاء في الماضي بـ سبب  " النسخة المصغرة مني التي ترى العالم بـ أعين وردية " يونو ليش لأن لما انت تكبر بتشوف العالم على حقيقته ╮(╯_╰)╭ 