
Ok, I don't even know what it is, but y'know on Wattpad when you click a reply to one of your comments, it would take you to your comment?
          	For some reason whenever I try to click a notification is says "Unexpected Error Occured, please try again later." 
          	And then I can't find the reply, is this only happening to me?


No that's happening to me too


Period proud Russian
          People annoy me with that bs about Ukraine and Russia its not even Russia's fault its they president even Russians support Ukraine but that's not what im here for
          Stay safe drink eat and do what ur supposed to do hunny bun and if u have to take matters in you're own hands and remember your opinion matters<3


Ok, I don't even know what it is, but y'know on Wattpad when you click a reply to one of your comments, it would take you to your comment?
          For some reason whenever I try to click a notification is says "Unexpected Error Occured, please try again later." 
          And then I can't find the reply, is this only happening to me?


No that's happening to me too


Guys I am SO so sorry. I am being such a bad author right now 
          I know that the end of second year is SO close, and is like RIGHT there. Just one more chapter and it's over, then that's where the fun stuff starts to happen in 3rd year 
          I'm so excited for 3rd year but I am currently on vacation for 10 days in Hawaii right now! It's really really beautiful here. I am gonna be posting a lot on my Instagram (@a_s_v10) And am also gonna be posting vlogs on my YouTube (Red Rose RBX) #ShamelessPlug
          It's really beautiful here, but I already started the last chapter I just didn't have motivation to finish right now. 
          I don't even know what happened, like for a whole week I was writing, and writing, and writing, and then BAM. All of a sudden I lost motivation to write. 
          It's not that I don't know what to write, I just don't want to. I'mma try to finish the second chapter then I'mma work on Book 3. I'm super excited because y'all get to find out y/n's parents ;)
          I'm so sorry y'all, please forgive me and any motivation helps! 
          I love you all!
          -Red Rose RBX 


            Going good. 
            How's you'rs?


Sup, lmao