
Hi People, I'm really sorry I lost this account but I'm back now so expect me to start updating and re-writing very soon. Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me through all of this xx


Question to all those that read my Derek Hale Fanfic! 
          Do you think i should do a rewrite? I have an idea in mind where the OC is Paige's older brother (Derek and Paige weren't together, but were friends and she still dies). It will follow the shows story line but i'll have flashback chapters from their time at school, and of course it will be a soulmate Au. 


I'm sooooooooory I'm so late but my life's been hectic and will be for a while. I have two months left of College seven pieces of coursework and a finance exam, please forgive me. I am not abandoning any of my stories but until the summer holidays updates will be really irregular. On the good side I am posting my new Alec Lightwood story 'Locked Inside' tonight including the first official chapter so please do read that. Thank you all for your patience I really hope to get back on schedule as soon as possible for y'all. xxxx


Hello, if you have time would you mind checking out my story, The Dandelion System? It’s a story about twenty girls competing to become the next queen, but only one of them knows that the system is rigged—by one of the member of the royal family. 
          If you can, I’d love hearing your opinion, and if not, I’m sorry for the bother. Have a great day nonetheless, 


@Whylea It is great i felt hooked just from the first chapter. well done!


@Whylea Of course i'll have a look and let you know soon.