
I've unpublished almost every one of my works so I can just start fresh. I'll go through all of my works eventually and determine what can be salvaged through rewrites and delete the rest. For now, it's just easier to start over. I kept two works published for appearance sake but they may also be unpublished, once I upload new works. I'm one step closer to finalizing my account. I'm excited for you to see all the changes. 


I've unpublished almost every one of my works so I can just start fresh. I'll go through all of my works eventually and determine what can be salvaged through rewrites and delete the rest. For now, it's just easier to start over. I kept two works published for appearance sake but they may also be unpublished, once I upload new works. I'm one step closer to finalizing my account. I'm excited for you to see all the changes. 


Oh, one last announcement. I promise. My account is under construction. I am making changes to reflect who I now am. Therefore, you may see works disappear or other drastic changes. My profile might look a bit wonky as well. My messages are always open. Feel free to contact me. 


@Aspyns_obscurite Alright, don't work too much tho, ^^


Cont. (I forgot about announcement word count limits) 
          My writing has consisted mostly of degree related things lately (research papers, observations, etc.) I lost my confidence years ago in my writing abilities due to a bad English professor in my first semester of college. I've attempted several times to write fiction over the years but always struggled with writer's block after a page or two. Eventually, I just gave up on it. However, I recently have regained some of my passion and interest in writing. I have been writing again around work and homework.
          I realize it's been years since this account was active but I plan on being active again. That's why I've sent this announcement. I was very hesitant about coming back because I'm rusty and still trying to regain my confidence in my writing skills, but my wonderful boyfriend (the same one) encouraged me to try Wattpad again. He's right. I loved writing on this app and I shouldn't let my fear of judgement or failure keep me from trying. I can't guarantee when I will start being active. I want to have more chapters written first so I can just upload them instead of writing as I go. That approach never worked well. I have so many incomplete works published on this account.  Once I have enough chapters written, I'll be very active. Until then, I'd love to hear what you've been up to- if you still even use Wattpad. I just realized it's possible I have inactive followers. 


@Aspyns_obscurite Thank you for your concern! I needed this. I stress out way too much. By writing a bunch of chapters before creating the book on here, hopefully that will reduce a lot of my stress. Instead of trying to write the chapters quickly to get out timely updates, I'll have a bunch of updates I can just time and publish. 


Hi, everyone. As I'm going through the announcements, etc. on this account, it's become apparent that I need to reintroduce myself. I grew up using Wattpad and I am not the same person who created this account. I've changed so much over the years. 
           I'm Aspyn. I have an associate's degree in psychology and will soon have a bachelor's in psychology with a minor in sociology (expect to graduate next year.) Kust like zombies, I adore brains. Brain anatomy, neuron anatomy, neuroscience, you name it. If it's brain related, then I'm interested. Feel free to message me anytime. Especially if you want to talk about psychology/ the human brain. I can talk about that stuff for hours. I work in animal rescue- another one of my passions- and at my family's small business. 


Today I updated For You- I updated the preface and published an excerpt to chapter one.  I'm quiet excited to see what your feedback is for the changes that I've made. The beginning of chapter one is basically just filler, to introduce you to the main character Landyn, to set up the story, introduce the town of Esther, give you some hilarious banter between Landyn and her awful ex boyfriend Brody, to develop the main character a bit, to give you a taste of Landyn's personality, and to introduce a setting that will become more significant later on. Please check it out and let me know what you think. :)


Hi, my lovelies! 
          First, I want to take the time out to thank you all for your support, reads, votes, follows, and comments over the years. You guys are the best readers/followers an aspiring author could hope for. I appreciate all you've done so much, even if I haven't thanked you personally. You give me the courage and motivation I need to keep writing and keep on pursuing my dreams. 
                Now that I've properly thanked all of you, it's time to discuss the new direction my writing is going in. I've changed my pen name from Aislinng Lore to Pandora Clairmond, for personal reasons. I feel this gives a more accurate first impression of my writing style and voice.