More Sotries are coming soon some new ones will be coming out shortly and more To AsrielDreemurrXFnafFoxy87 and Ask or Dare Asriel and Arsiel...need suggestions for dares and stuff guys Flips can't do it all himself ^^ Also You should follow Flips ====> @FnafFoxy87 He's very awesome he has amazing and awesome stories and he's a real good friend ^\\\^
More Sotries are coming soon some new ones will be coming out shortly and more To AsrielDreemurrXFnafFoxy87 and Ask or Dare Asriel and Arsiel...need suggestions for dares and stuff guys Flips can't do it all himself ^^ Also You should follow Flips ====> @FnafFoxy87 He's very awesome he has amazing and awesome stories and he's a real good friend ^\\\^