
Also! For people waiting for the Josh Dun x Reader part Two, I'm working on it, it might be posted tomorrow (christmas eve) and the next part might get posted maybe on New Year's day? Idk I've got alot on my plate this month  but the Josh X Reader will be updated soon!


@AsrielLover update on ur septicplier hacker story soon maybe?? Plz?!?


Also! For people waiting for the Josh Dun x Reader part Two, I'm working on it, it might be posted tomorrow (christmas eve) and the next part might get posted maybe on New Year's day? Idk I've got alot on my plate this month  but the Josh X Reader will be updated soon!


@AsrielLover update on ur septicplier hacker story soon maybe?? Plz?!?


My parents went out shopping today for presents for me and my bro's Christmas this year and I walked downstairs and looked under the tree (because she wrapped all mine but didn't finish my brother's yet) but I walked past the side of the tree and I saw a decent sized box and it looked like a thing I wanted this year *COUGHCOUGHukuleleCOUGHCOUGH* and I said in my head, "That looks like it may contain what I really wanted this year~" my mom didn't hear me thank goodness! But I just smiled the whole time I walked to my room  SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!