ugh.. the types of people who doesn't even read my bio and OOT are PMO ISTG. pls, be mature and read my description main profile, don't just promote your stories however you like! are you rlly that selfish?? Promosi untuk skrng itu ditutup di main acc gw, jeez. Is it rlly that hard for y'all to read my bio? omfg.. beda lagi kalo misalnya promosi udah dibuka lagi di main acc gw, makanya biasakan literasi! kalo mau promosi ya boleh kok, boleh banget! gw juga ada promosiin book gw, asal tau waktu dan tempat! banyak author yang gak suka kalo ada orng yang asal" promosi di wallnya. untuk skrng gw lgi gamau di spam 'Promosi book' di wall gw. tapi kalo mau ngobrol, nanya kabar di wall gpp. tapi kalo untuk promosi, g dlu. srry. actually, I didn't want to bring this up, but seeing how many people promote their selfish stories on my wall profile, is starting to get on my nerves.. dyk how much it's pissing me off? pls, kalo masih kayak gitu terpaksa gw block. makasih.
@awaluvsolar yeah.. I see your point awa. but still, udah beberapa kali kejadian ini terulang, padahal udh sering juga aku bilang "Promosi di close yaa, mohon jangan promosi dulu, bla bla bla" masih ada aja yang promosi. Kan aku ngerasa agk skit hati ya. kek ngerasa orng gak ngehargaiin banget atuh ama pesan gw. yah, gw maklumin ama orng" yng minta maaf karena gak baca bio, tapi ngelihat yang lainnya, seenak jidat buat promosi, bodoamat gw gaseneng ato gak, that's PMO, ngl. kek, gw tuh udah baik" loh ngomong ama klean? dan msih ditreat kek gtu? ydh, trserah. tpi kalo mau ngobrol ama gw lewat wall profil gw, ya.. gpp anjir. gw malah seneng ada yang ngobrol ama gw di situ, nanya" kabar, nanya kesukaan. but, whatever ig. it's not like I can force everyone. well, anyways.. thanks for the suggestion awa, I'll look forward to it :)
@Asteria-Rene re? IS THIS RLLY YOU? OMG, my girl is growing up (≧∇≦)/ *proud noise* nahh, I'm just joking hehe.. don't be mad at me alr? :3 anyw.. FR, YEAH! aku setuju sama kamu! menurutku promosi itu boleh, asal tau batas, apalagi kalo orang tersebut gak mau ada orang yang promosi di wall mereka, dan yaa.. menurutku kamu gasalah buat marah karena banyak orang yang keliatannya ngesepeleiin kamu. Malahan aku kayaknya lebih seneng kamu post ini di main acc, biar mampus yang kesindir WKWK, siapa suruh atuh, udah tau di bio 'close promotion' eh, masih promosi kan oon. tapi yaa, mungkin aja.. orang" tersebut gasengaja ngepost dan kelupaan baca bio, maklumin aja ya ree? Ik how busy you are and I know this things can overwhelm you.. so, I hope you will be more patient okay? :)
@Asteria-Rene tbh, I can't blame you. cuz, I know how irritating it is when people are spamming their book promotion. and seeing you getting mad? wow, that means you already reached the peak didn't you? haha, be patience my girl, I know how much that is pissing you off, but I hope you'll handle it eventually! take care alr? don't be too stressed ml! because I rlly love your books <3