
I just published the last chapter of Daffodil Sprouts. Now I'm going to make myself spicy noodles (favourite meal) and watch Captain America: The winter soldier (favourite MCU movie) because I've earned a little celebration.
          	I just published "Ch. 54 ' Always and Forever, Mr Bad-tempered." of my story "Daffodil Sprouts".


I just published the last chapter of Daffodil Sprouts. Now I'm going to make myself spicy noodles (favourite meal) and watch Captain America: The winter soldier (favourite MCU movie) because I've earned a little celebration.
          I just published "Ch. 54 ' Always and Forever, Mr Bad-tempered." of my story "Daffodil Sprouts".




Good Morning guys❤
          Should've made this announcement earlier but the past two days have been overwhelming. You might or might've not noticed, a few days ago, I unpublished Playboy Trouble. Published it last year December, planned daily updates, life interrupted... and just kept interrupting. Almost a year later, and it barely has 10 chapters.
          So, I took it down.
          I intend to write it for NaNoWriMo, and I will finish it (plus revision and editing) before putting it up back again. That way I won't be caught off-guard by, you know, life. That way I won't unfairly keep anyone in suspense. 
          It should be back by next year's January, at most February. Thanks for understanding.❤ And if you don't understand, I'm sorry.
          With that said, a new chapter of Daffodil Sprouts is up.


Thanks for adding my heartfelt gay story to your reading list! If you like books that make you care way too much about fictional characters, I have all the words for you ♡


@coffee-an-flowers You're welcome. Looking forward to reading then!!❤



@pharrh Thanks. Hope you like it ❤️