Are follow bots a thing on Wattpad? I know like three or four of my followers are people I followed and they just followed me back. I get that, but I have two other followers who I've never heard of. You may be like, "why are you complaining? Followers are good!" Well it's because of this. My one and only story has 9 views, three of which are mine (which I don't think Wattpad should count you viewing your own story), and the other 4 are from an IRL friend of mine who DOESN'T FOLLOW ME.
What sparked this was that I got my sixth follower this morning. I check their account out and a few red flags raised toward a potential follow bot. 1) they just joined on the fifth. 2) they don't speak English, I don't think, maybe a little. And 3) they followed like, about 5, 6, maybe 7 accounts within about a minute. I don't even know why follow bots are a thing, AT ALL. What do people get out of it?
I'm sorry for the rant, it's just kinda disappointing, I guess. But are follow bots a thing though? Ok, byeeeee!
(P.S. I don't mean to offend anyone. I know people could be offend by me thinking they're a bot)