
Hi to anyone still checking if I've been updating or writing.  Writing has taken a bit of a backseat in my life, but I am trying to at least get back to finish some stories. I am thinking about writing an original story too. So that may take up some time. I know how frustrating it is (as a reader myself) when you find a story and there's no ending. So I want to at least get some stories wrapped up for those of you who have been unbelievably patient with me!  Keep an eye out for your favorite stories, I'll be working hard with what spare time I have! 


Hi to anyone still checking if I've been updating or writing.  Writing has taken a bit of a backseat in my life, but I am trying to at least get back to finish some stories. I am thinking about writing an original story too. So that may take up some time. I know how frustrating it is (as a reader myself) when you find a story and there's no ending. So I want to at least get some stories wrapped up for those of you who have been unbelievably patient with me!  Keep an eye out for your favorite stories, I'll be working hard with what spare time I have! 


Hey lovely readers. I promise I have stories working.  I have had some mental health and health issues I've been dealing with lately. So writing has fallen lower on my list of things to do. I promise more stories will be coming. 


@AriesQueen_1204 thank you. I appreciate it. Just keeping me from writing atm. 


Oh my god! Girly i'm here if you need to talk


When you wanna continue writing stories, but you're brain doesn't work good. And you're tired all the time. And you just wanna be creative again but life kinda sucks clap your hands! 
          I promise stories are working. Just been a rough week. Bear with me. 


@AstralShadows I know EXACTLY how you’re feeling because that same exact thing happens to me.


@whystruggle it's been a week. I get like a paragraph done and then stop. Let me get these ideas out so they stop haunting meee!  Glad others can relate I've been feeling like I'm letting readers down. 


Hey everyone. I have a few stories in the works. Right now Merlin, Barba, Connor and Hawkeye Pierce all have another chapter in the works.  It may still be some time until I get them published.  I am taking some time on focusing on my mental health and going through an outpatient program.  I've missed writing.  But I need to get my head into a good space again.
          Hopefully you understand.  I'll be back with new stuff as soon as I can. 


As a heads up guys. If you ar elooking for story updates, requests, etc. It may be sometime u til I get to update them.  I've sunk into another depression session ™️ and need to focus on my life right now. I have been working on some stories but it's hard to hold my focus. 
          So if things aren't getting updated as fast as they have been just bear with me while I try to get back in a better place.
          Thank you! 


Hey guys. I'm working on updating one of my current stories now.  But out of curiosity woukd anyone read a M*A*S*H fic if I wrote one? There aren't many out there, I've been spamming the show and I really love the characters.  Also kilgrave fans get ready...Chapter incoming 


Hey guys I've been off most the weekend cos it was my birthday Friday.  I'm hoping to update my Kilgrave story next got an idea for it.  Merlin will probably be after since I haven't updated that in awhile.  Happy labor day weekend to everyone! 


Hi everyone.  I need to say I'm suffering a super depressive state right now.  All works are on hold. I'm sorry for any inconvenience I just don't write my best when I'm sad/depressed.


@AstralShadows I'm glad you're feeling better 


@casxdeansxgirl I appreciate that very much. Lucky for me I got to see my therapist today and am slightly better.  Today I thought about actually writing. 


@AstralShadows hope you feel better soon I know we don't know each other but if you ever need to talk just hit me up I might not always know what to say but I'm a good listener


Going to try to finish the next chapter of Control (Kilgrave x reader) today and get it published for anyone waiting.  After that I'll be going back to either Merlin or Barba x reader.
          The Cursed Book is still on hold while I try to figure out just where I'm going with it. I don't want to make the next chapter willy nilly.
          Thanks for your patience as I update my stories! Happy reading!