Im not gonna do it, but sometimes when i read comments on my books that are hate/negative comments from people putting down the book in every chapter, it makes me just want to delete those books and start from scratch. Only leaving the one that i recently posted in.
I know you guys love the books, so i dont plan on it, it just makes me want to delete them and start over. Because yelling at those people for being a**holes just isnt worth it. You know?
I wrote those books when i was in a different mind set (massively depressed and in an abusive marriage) and i know that my writing is different now that i am out of that situation.
See, this is why I dont really look at my notifications anymore…
Honestly, i might not rewrite shifter prince. Just because if i did it would be completely different than what it used to be. There were so many errors and plot holes and just so many things that i would change that it would be a completely different book/series. Same for supernatural high. The only difference is for supernatural high, I actually had started book 2.
Not really sure what to do at this point.