
Major update to the Lioness of Shadi, Chapter 32. I felt it needed a rewrite, but it is now up.


this message may be offensive
I’m going home next week, and holy shit do I feel so much better. I hit weight restored and finally had a moment where I could look in the mirror and think “I look good”. I’m not cured and this is going to be a life-long fight, and I’m only catching glimpses of the recovered me, but it feels like I finally have anorexia on the ropes rather than the other way around.
          Looking forward to writing more for you beautiful people when I get home and have something more than a phone, not to mention less mental exhaustion from constant therapeutic groups. I’m not rushing anything, because I want this to be a forever-recovery, not just a flicker before a relapse. Thank you so much for reading my work and following me. Y’all are amazing and I appreciate your support.


@Astridhe Glad to hear you are doing better and I wish you all the strength to keep fighting!


@Astridhe Congratulations! 
            So many anorexic, and even non-anorexic, women never reach the point of being 
            able to look in the mirror at a healthy weight and think "I look good".
            Hopefully this means that it won't be a life-long fight so much as life-long vigilance. 


@Astridhe, you have the capability and strength to alter your future to a positive end.  Your writings are proof of that.  We'll be here, with you, cheering you on!


I may be going to a higher level of care soon for my eating disorder. That means all updates will likely be on hiatus for at least 4-6 weeks. I’m sorry everyone. I promise I will try to get some writing done before I go, but I’m not certain what this is going to look like or how long I might be hospitalized.
          Take good care of yourselves. I have really enjoyed the journey here on Wattpad and look forward to coming back to it much healthier.


@Astridhe All the best - selfishly hoping you get well soon so that you can return to your important job of entertaining us!


@Astridhe I'm sorry to hear you're struggling and it's a very good thing you're getting the help you need. We'll be here when you're better and back.✨️


             At the risk of giving unwanted advice: I’ve read that zinc supplements can help eating disorders, as can certain B vitamins. Apparently it has to do with correcting biological imbalances that can contribute to body image distortion. 
            Regardless of whether you accept  my advice or think I’m a nutter,
            BEST WISHES
            My suggestion would be to take a Zinc Chelate equivalent to 30-40mg of zinc a day, at night, and a strong multivitamin and mineral supplement in the morning.Many multivitamins are too weak, so as a guide it should have at least 15mg of B6. 
            If you want to try this and your doctor(s) object, ask them specifically what harm it will do.
            Doctors don’t generally have much training in vitamin and mineral nutrition, and some will object just because they don’t know, or because of dogma,  rather than finding out.
            Note: This is in addition to other treatment, NOT instead of it.


I'm really glad you're posting out of time so frequently! I really enjoy the story, it's captivating like few others! I hope things are going well for you!


I'm sorry to hear that! Hope you are getting better! Thank you for replying so quickly and i look forward to reading more of your work! Take care of yourself!


@jaklieb Thank you for reading! I’m trying to make better progress and I’ve had Covid for the last week, so I’ve had time to actually write.


Just so the few of you who read my poetry know: Songs of Recovery is going to disappear, because I'm publishing the edited form and Amazon is kind of a stickler like that. It should be available soon. I'll keep it all in draft form so I still have your wonderful comments.