At the risk of giving unwanted advice: I’ve read that zinc supplements can help eating disorders, as can certain B vitamins. Apparently it has to do with correcting biological imbalances that can contribute to body image distortion.
Regardless of whether you accept my advice or think I’m a nutter,
My suggestion would be to take a Zinc Chelate equivalent to 30-40mg of zinc a day, at night, and a strong multivitamin and mineral supplement in the morning.Many multivitamins are too weak, so as a guide it should have at least 15mg of B6.
If you want to try this and your doctor(s) object, ask them specifically what harm it will do.
Doctors don’t generally have much training in vitamin and mineral nutrition, and some will object just because they don’t know, or because of dogma, rather than finding out.
Note: This is in addition to other treatment, NOT instead of it.