
I will only have to work one weekend out of a month from here on out. I’m so happy y’all (y’all…my Texas is showing lol).  New BounPrem stories coming they will always be the main characters, but I’m excited to dapple in other ships, really love PondPhuwin, & MosBank! Anyone with Jeff Satur. Any other ships you would love for me to write let me know, but BounPrem will always be featured in my stories. They are my favorite ship and I am loyal to their bond. I love all BL & GL from Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, America, and China. Just let me know what you’d love for me to write. Even story ideas (I’ll give you acknowledgment for your ideas and input). I’m open to it all. Sorry I’ve been so absent, but your girl is back! 


@AstringentlySweet I'm a new reader of your stories. I'm so happy you're coming back because I was disappointed when I saw no new updates for Never Love Again. I was really intrigued by this plot. 


It’s good to see you again. I’m looking forward to your stories.)


@bmeg_28  thank you lovely, I sure will. I appreciate all of the support. 


I will only have to work one weekend out of a month from here on out. I’m so happy y’all (y’all…my Texas is showing lol).  New BounPrem stories coming they will always be the main characters, but I’m excited to dapple in other ships, really love PondPhuwin, & MosBank! Anyone with Jeff Satur. Any other ships you would love for me to write let me know, but BounPrem will always be featured in my stories. They are my favorite ship and I am loyal to their bond. I love all BL & GL from Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, America, and China. Just let me know what you’d love for me to write. Even story ideas (I’ll give you acknowledgment for your ideas and input). I’m open to it all. Sorry I’ve been so absent, but your girl is back! 


@AstringentlySweet I'm a new reader of your stories. I'm so happy you're coming back because I was disappointed when I saw no new updates for Never Love Again. I was really intrigued by this plot. 


It’s good to see you again. I’m looking forward to your stories.)


@bmeg_28  thank you lovely, I sure will. I appreciate all of the support. 


I’ve been working seven days a week for some time now. Finally a weekend off. Updates coming on The Unseen & Never Love Again. I’m so so so sorry I’ve been absent. Please forgive me. 


@AstringentlySweet I'm so happy you came back , I can't wait to see your updates especially bounprem stories


Hello my lovelies. Just updated I’ll Never Love Again. Working on The Unseen now. I will let you beautiful/handsome souls know once the new chapter has been added. I know it’s been a minute, but work is less hectic during the summer and my creative juices are flowing! Hope you missed me, because I missed you all so much. 


@AstringentlySweet aaaaaaa I'm screaming, you don't even know how happy I am to see that you have the time and desire to update ☺️ I really missed it, I'm looking forward to the next one. have a great time ♥️


@AstringentlySweet So happy to see you doing well and can't wait to see what you have for us!❤️


I love your works and enjoyed reading it, especially the charcters you made (their personality)bounprem❤️. Hoping for the continuance of the unseen. But please dont let this become a pressure, enjoy writing, and we are here waiting for it ❤️


Thank you so much, the summer is less chaotic for me, I’ll be updating and adding more stories again. I hope you enjoy them as well. 


Hello from Russia! I love BoumPrem so much and appreciate stories about them. Yours are one of my favorite and I want to share them with my friends who don't know the language we'll. So I kindly ask your permission to make a translation. Write back, please <3


Hello, my lovelies, I just updated TLC.


@AstringentlySweet i happy for you, and your make the best storys why wouldn't i still be reading


@kittykoi so happy to finally have a free moment to write again. Even more overjoyed that you’re still reading. 


Ok I recently just found "Love Me Like You Do" and omg the emotions of felt and the tears I shed during this is astonishing. You wrote this so beautifully and emotionally I had to finish it in one day. Now I'm saving it to reread over and over. You are an amazingly talented writer and I thank you for sharing that talent with us ❤️❤️


My heart feels so full reading this. I will finish my stories. I will write new ones. Ideas are springing up and I feel my confidence coming back. Thank you for writing this. It’s helped me tremendously! 


@AstringentlySweet I too wonder why you would doubt yourself but then we all doubt ourselves from time to time... Life is hard, but know this, you should never doubt yourself in your writing. You are gifted on this. Many of us are waiting.. and will still wait till you are ready to continue. Life can be hard but it does get better. Stay strong...❤️


@AstringentlySweet oh my god... how can you think your writing is not good? I love your stories, they are some of my favorites that I keep coming back to and reading over and over again. Your writing is great and I patiently await your update. Please continue next time 