
Hey guys! I just changed my username to AstroTheDreamer! I hope that won't confuse you :)
          	As for my stories "Aqua Escape" and "Tomorrow's Gone", I have temporary writer's block but hope to overcome it soon. I'm currently writing chapters for both stories, so stay tuned. :)
          	I do realize that I never continued "Entwined with Fear", and "Magic and Mishaps", and I truly am sorry. It was never my intention, and I hope to finish them some day. Please check them out and tell me whether or not you would like to read more of them.
          	Love you all! 
          	Peace and Love, Luz y Fuerza,


Hey guys! I just changed my username to AstroTheDreamer! I hope that won't confuse you :)
          As for my stories "Aqua Escape" and "Tomorrow's Gone", I have temporary writer's block but hope to overcome it soon. I'm currently writing chapters for both stories, so stay tuned. :)
          I do realize that I never continued "Entwined with Fear", and "Magic and Mishaps", and I truly am sorry. It was never my intention, and I hope to finish them some day. Please check them out and tell me whether or not you would like to read more of them.
          Love you all! 
          Peace and Love, Luz y Fuerza,


Hey guys! How are ya? Just wanted to let you know I will either be updating Tomorrow's Gone today or (most likely) tomorrow! (Wouldn't be able to do that if tomorrow was gone, but thankfully, it isn't. Ha! See what I did there? Jk! XD). Stay tuned please, I have a hefty chapter comin' to ya! :)


@TahdiyatMoumeena27 Oh dear I was unaware I'd unfollowed you!! So sorry!! I don't remember doing that :( And thanks so much for reading, I plan to continue all of them. Alejandra is my second name, my first is Estrella. It's an alias I used to go by, sorry for the confusion. I appreciate you feedback! I promise I will continue them :)


Hey guys! So I've come to a decision... I am putting all my stories on hold here. I have a private project I have been working on for years that I have been putting off. So far, it's my longest and most successful story. The prologue is actually on here. The story is called "The Prince and his Thorny Rose", check it out! I will open my stories up again once I get my bearings straight with my project. Thank you for being understanding :) Send me a message if you have thoughts on this that you would like to share. Thanks, have a wonderful day!
          P.S. I will still be on Wattpad frequently though. I just want a little time to my own. Since my stories on here aren't exactly successful, I want to prioritize and work on my private project, given that I want to publish this as soon as possible :)


@TahdiyatMoumeena27  Don't worry, I plan to continue it, it was sort of a spur-of-the-moment decision that I regret. Updates will come slower, but they will come. Thanks for reading, love! :)