I think I'm gonna delete this account in a week so follow me somewhere else if your till wanna see my stuff! Won't respond to dms Follow me on Insta @ astronnut Deviantart @ Melonst Toyhou.se @ Astronnut
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I think I'm gonna delete this account in a week so follow me somewhere else if your till wanna see my stuff! Won't respond to dms Follow me on Insta @ astronnut Deviantart @ Melonst Toyhou.se @ Astronnut
I think I'm gonna delete this account in a week so follow me somewhere else if your till wanna see my stuff! Won't respond to dms Follow me on Insta @ astronnut Deviantart @ Melonst Toyhou.se @ Astronnut
hey guys i left this account, moved accounts and then left wattpad kind off :,3 my ‘new’ account is @astrR00 so please tag me on there if you want me to see stuff i will probably not see it quick so sorry for that ,:/
i’ve been logging on and of between my new and this account but im gonna stop with that so if you wanna reach me don’t expect a response here
Imagine you are laying in your bed at night and you decide to update the wonderful app called Wattpad because there are some wonderful writers on there and its such a nice community! After the app loads you are created by a bright bundle of cold white light in the middle of your dark room. You are blinded for a few second before you can finally the immensely bright white new look of the app. @Wattpad , you might say we are all just whining and making a big deal out of nothing but it IS a big problem. A reading app (f.e iBooks) needs to have a soft background color so the background color and the black letters do not contrast that much until they hurt your eyes. The previous colours from Wattpad were more sepia and warm, really nice and relaxing for your eyes to read at. But now the difference between the color of the bg and the letters is so big that it is not relaxing to read. I can somewhat understand you want a modern and clean look (hens the white and bright orange) but you should maybe think about what the purpose of the app is. Reading right? Well personally i don't like black letters on a white background, like i said above, it is not relaxing to read. Maybe you thought about the purpose of the app, i wouldn't know because i am not on the Wattpad team. I dont mind the new logo, it looks nice but its the colours that are wrong. Wattpad was a warm and cozy place you could sneak on and read in the middle of the night but now it turned into a bright and cold place where reading is nearly painful to your eyes, certainly at night when most people are active. I think (as so many other platforms) this 'new look complaining' will go over eventually and i have the feeling you will jsut wait until it's over. Please dont. Listen to your audience and actually update useful things that the people who use the app would like to see Thanks for reading <3 Astro
hi uhm wtf happened to @wattpad ‘s looks???? If this stays i will leave bc it feels so immensely unwelcome and cold i will still be on my hiatus so if i don’t come back in like a week or two just follow me on some other platform bc i’ve left this cold hellhole link in bio
@sunflowerings i still like the interface and design a lot but its only the colours. And then again that is the only thing they updated, nothing else changed. And when i read books in these new colours my eyes just hurt because of the black letters on the bright white which wasn't the case with the sepia like white in the previous update
see y’all!
me: ah yes plz happy bday can i get apple pie? stomach: yes me: will you not cry and throw a tantrum? stomach:.... yes me: kk good boy few hours later stomach: HA YOU THOUGHT BITCH there was fUCKING BUTTER IN THE PIE LOLOLOL
Can i stop feeling sick and stressed for just a second?
@roze-egeltjes ben lactose intolerant dus daar komt de buikpijn/sick feeling vandaan en stress want hw due to tomorrow
@ Astronnut Can I help? What if you lied down on your bed for two minutes with your eyes closed? Would that help?
where all these followers coming from 0o0 thanks y’all for following me?? appreciated??
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