
Why have the administrators removed the messaging system? With the forums gone, now the messages, I'm guessing the "Conversations" system will be going next?


Many of you told me how much you enjoyed my science fiction thriller "Sceptic" here on Wattpad. It's taken a lot of work, but it's now extensively edited and polished, features a new front cover, and is available right now on Amazon.
          If you haven't previously experienced Sceptic, here's the blurb:
          In a dystopian world in the mechanical grip of religion, a genius developer, a revolutionary artificial brain, and a man stripped of his memory, find themselves on the run from the authorities.
          Moses Libereco, a developer crafting artificial minds for the formidable CleriC robots that police the world, makes a simple mistake while training his latest creation. The ensuing whirlwind of chaos shatters his life, exposes unimaginable long-buried secrets, and puts the entire world in danger. With the aid of an enigmatic man recovering from a near-death experience, they must take on the state and save themselves. With just the three of them against an army of fanatical robots hell-bent on protecting the regime and its secrets, is survival even possible?
          Here are the Amazon links:
          As usual, you can download a free sample to your Kindle, Android device, Windows PC or iOS device.


With almost 30,000 followers, it should be entirely possible to get a lot of reads of any new material I post. It "should" also be possible to get a few people to download the free sample of my science fiction novel on Amazon. What would it take to get 300 people to download a free sample of "Deadline"?
          Here are the links:
          Amazon UK:
          Amazon US:
          The sample includes the first 6000+ words, gives you a great taster of what the novel is about, and includes a little of the comedy present throughout the book.


Thank you to everyone who took a moment to download the sample. :)


Having recently added "Deadline" to my novels on Amazon, I'll be uploading the sci-fi thriller "Sceptic" there too very soon. I wrote it a while back with a view to getting traditionally published. Sadly the agencies were not interested so, as it's one of the best novels I've written, I'm not prepared to let it just go to waste.
          My aim for 2024 is to get two novels out on Amazon before the year is over, and then do the same every year until I'm too old to write anymore.
          Am I allowed to post my Amazon links here?


Happy New Year everyone. Let's make 2024 a great year!
          I will start the year by becoming a lot more active here on Wattpad. My aim is to post a couple of times per week, put more effort into replying to comments and making more comments on other people's Wattpad profiles.
          I'll post more writing here very soon and make more effort to let you all know where you can get my other works too. My scifi novel "Sceptic" will be launched on Amazon soon but I'll be posting a couple of chapters here too.
          I'm also considering a new project where I post a chapter or two each of a few unfinished works to find out which one is most worthy of completion. It would be great to get some feedback going again.
          Anyway, looking forward to spending more time with you all. Do please feel free to comment on any of my work. I try to read all comments (and reply to them).
          All the best for the coming year.
          Paul (Astronomicon).


Just a quick question for you all: 
          Do you know of any novels here on Wattpad with 10,000+ reads and a 25% or better voting rate? By voting rate, I mean the number of votes divided by the number of reads.
          Most of the books I've looked at here seem to be around 5%-10%, but there must be some out there. (?)


@TasiaMera That's what I've found. Occasionally I work out the voting rate for my novels here and the usual pattern is that for the first few hundred reads, a rate of 25-33% is the norm (because it's loyal followers reading first) then as the read count heads into the thousands, my rate drops away rapidly.
            What I've found with Astronomicon: Inception Point is that now it's crossed 11,000 reads (well beyond only my regulars fans), it's held almost 25% (24.94%) which is way higher than anything else I can find.
            I assumed there would be works out there with 100s of 1000s of reads and very high voting averages. You would assume that the better a work is (eg higher vote rate) the more reads it would attract, but that just doesn't seem to be the case.


@ Astronomicon  even back when I started on Wattpad, about 2012 or so (different account), a 10% rate was considered very good. The most popular novels tend to be on that range, give or take. I don't think I ever encountered anything much higher than that, even among the most popular books.


@GlenMaddock I can believe that. My rate of gaining reads has actually gone up in the last couple of months (which is very nice to see) but I'm nowhere near where I used to be. When I first joined Wattpad, I loved the upward trend, the sense of making progress, the feeling that success was somehow ahead of me. That's simply gone now.
            Of course, the "cookie cutter" stuff is where AIs will be able to churn out infinite content.
            Love the Douglas Adams reference!


Cause for celebration!
          I just noticed that "Astronomicon: Inception Point" has passed 10,000 reads here on Wattpad! Not bad for a science fiction novel.

          It's been a SLOW road but getting into 5 digits does make me feel like there's some life left in Wattpad yet. I'm working on my 2nd fantasy novel right now. Maybe I'll post some of my fantasy work here in future?
          Thank you to everyone who read my books, especially those who voted or commented. You make it worthwhile! Thank you!


Yay well I read and comment so I’m happy ;-) 