I still find it amazing that I've been posting my writing here on Wattpad for well over 12 years. 12 years! Where the hell does the time go? At one point, I had almost 30,000 followers and got hundreds of chapter reads per day. I loved the interaction, the feedback, the positive effect it had on my writing and all the many, many improvements that came from that. It was a wonderful community and I even became a Wattpad Star (until the program began demanding frequent publication of chapters) - many happy memories from those days. Obviously, things change and the world moves on. Somewhere along the line, I didn't move with it. But I wanted to thank everyone who's still here, for all the reads, votes and feedback. I try to improve my writing constantly and Wattpad has been instrumental in that aim. I miss the feedback and support, but I'm not about to stop writing. I will keep putting books out on Amazon, keep improving and still aim to find a literary agent to help with my future career. I hope you will wish me well. My enthusiasm is undimmed and I write now more than ever. I will keep going, keep writing and keep striving to improve. However, I'm going to back away from Wattpad. It's not helping me and I have to be targetted with my limited available time. I will check in now and again, but it might only be a couple of times per month. I wish good luck to those of you still writing here. I hope you succeed in your writing aims. Thanks again, everyone. Paul.

@SueMcKenzieAuthor I've not heard of ream. I've tried many sites, including Inkitt and Royal Road (isn't that one a scam?). I'll check it out. As long as it's not one of those where you're not permitted to edit chapters after they are posted. Thanks :)

I just read over this and it kind of sounds like an ad. I just wanted to help you out. I plan to keep releasing my books there and building up my subscribers and my own little community of readers.

@Astronomicon Have you heard of Ream? It is similar to Wattpad, but you are also able to run a subscription like with Patreon. I am writing my latest story on Wattpad, Inkitt, Royal Road, Ritoria, Booksie, Scribble Hub, and Penana and funneling everything to Ream. You get early access to it on Ream and things like bonus scenes and extra goodies. I also have my previously published books available there to subscribers. https://reamstories.com No harm in checking it out. They have recently added audiobooks and comics, if you're interested in that.