
I am so tired of people only caring about gay males when discussing homophobia and equality.


I know I've been a shit updater. I've had funerals, drama, bad days where I didn't want to ever do anything, and then just regular ole procrastination. BUT I am going to begin working on a new story today that will hopefully be updated more often. Hold Onto This Lullaby is on hold because I've hit a roadblock >.< This new story though will not be 1D and I hope you still like it :D


@TheLYProject A really dumb name for a really dumb person lol I swear to God if he's elected I will just...idek. Can't move. But I swear to God if he makes gay marriage illegal I'm going to be pissed. And if the president after him doesn't fix that before I possibly meet a girl I want to marry..just. I may not even be making sense but I hate Mitt Romney. So. Much.


@Ane1619 oh my gosh yes. I swear I will be so disappointed in our entire country if Mitt Romney wins. He just..yeah fucking hate him lol Did you know his slogan is the exact same one that the KKK had in 1922? It's funny cause he's an ass. Sorry I just  dislike him so much.