So, Yesterday was my Cake Day. It's been a Long Time, I'm Starting To slowly get back into it, I played a Few Games, Watched Some Shows and Anime as I'm still
Greiving from my Loss, when my Mom Passed away a few Months ago, I have to deal with a Huge Life Change, I took care of her for 14 Years and I'm still Facing the Challenge Today Like whenever I Hear an Ambulance Siren, I just Frezze up and Hyperventilate. And as for my Scarlet Soul, I'm Working on a few Side Stories Tie in's but as I am still Adjusting slowly to my Pain, Don't Worry I'll be back when my Soul Searching journey is done.
"The Ginarts symbolizes my Hope, Soul is a Reflection of myself as a Kid" and I want to see this Through. One Day I'll Return till the Asura out.