
this message may be offensive
****Repost from other account. ****
          I am highLy incapabLe of writing anything. My writing skiLLs have gone to shit & I am finding it hard on myseLf to update or produce anything. As of now, I am utterLy obsoLete. 
          I'm sorry for Letting you guys down. I KNOW I have some insane stories & concepts that some of you are dying to read more about. I reaLLy can't push myseLf enough for this to make work for you readers to enjoy. You aLL deserve the best for supporting my writing… and right now I can't exactLy provide such things. I don't want to produce half assed work. 
          I'm not starting any new projects because I know I literaLLy cannot finish them. Great ideas, great concepts.. I'm reaLLy sorry for never finishing them. But trust me that I wiLL. I aLready have my priorities settLed. Which stories need more updates because they get more views. I just need to do the most important part; write. Everything is ready. And when inspiration strikes, I'LL put something out just for you guys. I assure you that my writing days are not over. 
          I'm reaLLy sorry guys! Hang in there. Thank you aLL so much. 


@AsylumDolls Take as much Time as you need ♡ 