
          	Unstoppable: Revitalized is finished! It is yet to be refined, and the author has asked me to announce that this is a VERY rough draft, with edits to be added and proofreading to be completed, but the main book is finished! If you would be kind enough to spare time to read it, they would be incredibly appreciative. But, from me, well done to them. It's a big thing, finishing a book. Congratulations bud, you should be damn proud of yourself!
          	(Also, just a little rumour, apparently there's going to be either one or two bonus chapters alongside the one already released, potentially hinting at a second book. I'm on the edge of my seat here!)
          	I hope everyone is having a fantastic new year!


          Unstoppable: Revitalized is finished! It is yet to be refined, and the author has asked me to announce that this is a VERY rough draft, with edits to be added and proofreading to be completed, but the main book is finished! If you would be kind enough to spare time to read it, they would be incredibly appreciative. But, from me, well done to them. It's a big thing, finishing a book. Congratulations bud, you should be damn proud of yourself!
          (Also, just a little rumour, apparently there's going to be either one or two bonus chapters alongside the one already released, potentially hinting at a second book. I'm on the edge of my seat here!)
          I hope everyone is having a fantastic new year!


Happy new year to you all! I know it's late, but hey, better late than never, right? 
          Welcome back to Asymmetry_! I hope this year is just as good as the last. I also hope our writers are just as excited to release as last year! Still no word from Author on his return, so I'm afraid you are all stuck with me :)
          Have a happy new year everyone!


Hello! I've told our writers to calm down for the Christmas period. If there are any updates, these have been chapters or tweaks that the writers' themselves have decided to change. If nothing else pops up before Christmas, this will be us until the new year. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone, and I'll see you all in the New Year!
          -T, and everyone else under Asymmetry_


I've also been told to add this: 'Unstoppable: Revitalised' is still the main book being released. Dead Zone is still there, don't worry! It's just... Well, Writers Block sucks, doesn't it? Our authors hold down full time jobs too. We aren't pushy by any means: Chapters come out when they come out. Anyway, please enjoy!
          P.S: Author, I know you'll read this. Hope your okay buddy, we're here if you need us. Plus, I think you should let me run things next year. Just a thought. ;) Anyway, thank you!


Hey! So, Author is still away, and I spoke to the creator of 'Unstoppable: Revitalised,' and they agreed to release some new chapters! Just remember, they are 'subject to change.' I think that's what he said, anyway. We all hope you enjoy reading them! 


'Absence is not allowing yourself to dwell, but instead allowing the brain to reflect, to grow, to change, and to improve. Those who cannot tell the difference between the two? May they find it soon.'
          'Unstoppable: Revitalised' is still the book being released. I will be taking a short break (Author) and so I will be leaving one of our writers, (T) in charge. I've already told him not to release anything too quickly, and to ask for permission before doing so. I hope you all enjoy what the writers choose to release next. 
          With love


'Unstoppable: Revitalised' is currently the book being released. The writer of 'Dead Zone' is currently struggling with writer's block. They can, and will, take as much time as they need to, until they feel ready to write again. I hope you understand, and are satisfied with the current releases. Thank you all for understanding