
So. No one has commented or responded. I’m eventually gonna post because I have some ideas, but if anyone has ideas I’d like to hear them. Cause I’ve lost the inspiration to write pretty much. I’ve lost so many people that I care deeply about and a few of them were my inspiration to write at all. I’ll be discontinuing my ongoing story as I’ve lost motivation, and I’m gonna try posting more oneshots, that is, only people actually want to read them. Please help me find inspiration again. 



So. No one has commented or responded. I’m eventually gonna post because I have some ideas, but if anyone has ideas I’d like to hear them. Cause I’ve lost the inspiration to write pretty much. I’ve lost so many people that I care deeply about and a few of them were my inspiration to write at all. I’ll be discontinuing my ongoing story as I’ve lost motivation, and I’m gonna try posting more oneshots, that is, only people actually want to read them. Please help me find inspiration again. 


Sooo... does anyone actually read what I write? I know it takes me a while to update my one going satire and my oneshot books but does anyone actually read them or am I just kidding myself? I post these little updates asking if anyone has ideas that they’d like to read because it can be difficult for me to find new creative ideas that more popular creators have written. So, should I just stop writing in general if no one is going to read them? Like seriously. Do any of my follows actually enjoy reading what I write? Be honest cause k kinda just want to stop all together because I can’t find the inspiration anymore.


Hey guys! So hopefully tonight I’ll be putting all of my StrayKids oneshots into a oneshot book as well and adding a new one. I hope to do this by midnight at the latest my time(I live in MN) so look forward to it and please comment any oneshot ideas you’d like me to try for either ATEEZ or StrayKids! 


8 makes one team~
          Glad that I meet a atiny. ❤:-) 


I hope so as well!!!


            Hope to be friends.:-) ❤


Nice to meet you too!! 