Hello, I am back yet again. A few updates, kind of important for those that care.
First of all, my book Twice the Queen is going to be getting a cover! I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but my friend is making the cover and it is taking forever to finish. I know it's gonna be great though, so I can wait for at most another year.
Secondly, my Keith x Reader book is continuing to get attention for some reason, but I'm a lazy ball of sadness so it probably won't update very often. I'm trying, but I physically cannot sit in the same spot doing the same thing for more than an hour. I'm very sorry if some of you really enjoy the book, and I'm also planning on rewriting the beginning, but this is expected from me because my life is a mess.
Ok, I'm going to go keep trying to write Twice the Queen and fix the chapters. Hope you all have a good day.