CHAPTER 19 IS OUTTTT- I hope you like it, Athena’s fashion sense is sooo Feiffer we from that of the other girls- I cannot believe how spoiled and mean some girls can be- they are just cruel sometimes aren’t they
CHAPTER 19 IS OUTTTT- I hope you like it, Athena’s fashion sense is sooo Feiffer we from that of the other girls- I cannot believe how spoiled and mean some girls can be- they are just cruel sometimes aren’t they
Hiiiiii y’all- Ty sooo much for all the follows- I hope you are enjoying both books- and just to have clear- chapter 18 will be out tomorrow for the new book
Chapter 17 is now out- god the prince is confusing- I hope you are enjoying the new book, I know that I like it more than the one before, but if you’d like me to continue that one, just say so, I could push away the laziness for y’all