
Thanks, everyone, for 200 reads on The Tablet of Abrahath! WOOT WOOT!


Hi just wanted to say your concept and idea for the wishing knot is really cool 


Nice  I’m sure you’ll do great 


@nightraspberries Thank you so much! Sometimes, I feel like my characters chose me, not the other way around. They feel like real people to me. I'm sure a lot of other writers can relate :)  I wanted to write something centered on that relationship, exploring the possibilities.


Hey, everyone! I apologize for my unannounced hiatus. I've started up a freelance writing and editing business, and the marketing and blogging for that is taking up a lot of time. However, I have an update coming soon for newly-improved Aurora Borealis. I am also preparing to start posting the sequel to The Tablet of Abrahath, so look for that as well!
          Love you guys! You are all awesome!


If anyone's wondering where Aurora Borealis went, I unpublished it temporarily for some revisions. I'm making it so that it's no longer a mythology adaptation and creating a new cover. It'll be re-posted soon.


@TymorTheTrickster  Oh, ha ha, sorry! Check back in a week or two. I should have it done by then :)


            Awwww, I was just gonna read it. But it is good that you are trying to make it more of your own thing!


I finished a brand new prologue for the Tablet of Abrahath! In it, we see Queen KiAdra write the Prophecy of Six Saviors--the one responsible for our heroes' induction into the Adventurers. She also presents a dire warning.


Hey, guys! I'm boosting my updates to ToA so that I can get beta readers and mark it as completed in time for the Watty's. I'm also re-editing the first several chapters, so you might get notifications as I republish (maybe. I don't know how that works). Sorry about that. I don't mean to spam you.