Konnichiwa, bonjour, hallo and hello!
So I have finished editing and I am now up to date with where I left off and plan on HOPEFULLY and SUCCESSFULLY posting a chapter soon, so watch out for that
Konnichiwa, bonjour, hallo and hello!
So I have finished editing and I am now up to date with where I left off and plan on HOPEFULLY and SUCCESSFULLY posting a chapter soon, so watch out for that
Hi guys!
So basically War of Two Worlds information has changed and you'll be able to see the changes when you read. To those who read the original chapters, I advice you to re-read and some things are different (kind of not really) names have changed and relations so yea.
Hi Guys! Just to let you know, the next chapter may be coming this weekend I'm not sure. I've been planning how I write, every chapter on Word is seven pages or close and I'm now on page 18 so I have to write up to page 28 this time for it to be another seven so hang on it will soon be up.
Just posted another chapter to War of Two Worlds, I'm not going to make any promises like I did last time but hopefully another chapter should be out this week if not maybe Maybe weekend.
Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening.
- Tahirah x
Hi guys so basically I wasn't able to update this Saturday because I've been painting my room and designing four days straight so tomorrow there should be an update coming.
I'm in need of an editor. I've taken down Letters to Brandon as I had lost interest in it and just wasn't motivated enough to finish it, but I am doing a new story and I am in need of an editor.