
Hi everybody. 
          	I'm still here!!!! 
          	All of the chapters for Life After The War have now been edited and re-published, nothing major has changed but it wouldn't hurt having another read if you want too. 
          	I am currently working on Chapter 14 but life is making it difficult to find the time and have the inspiration - however, I didn't have some the other night so it currently has 2742 words and I haven't even got the main part of it yet!!!
          	Anyway, I start a new job on the 15th of November and I am planning on having C14 published by then so that you all don't hate me. 
          	Happy Reading/Writing
          	P.S I am also trying to get ideas for head-cannons but a lot of my ideas come from LATW so that may take a while.


Hi everybody. 
          I'm still here!!!! 
          All of the chapters for Life After The War have now been edited and re-published, nothing major has changed but it wouldn't hurt having another read if you want too. 
          I am currently working on Chapter 14 but life is making it difficult to find the time and have the inspiration - however, I didn't have some the other night so it currently has 2742 words and I haven't even got the main part of it yet!!!
          Anyway, I start a new job on the 15th of November and I am planning on having C14 published by then so that you all don't hate me. 
          Happy Reading/Writing
          P.S I am also trying to get ideas for head-cannons but a lot of my ideas come from LATW so that may take a while.


Hi everybody. I'm so sorry that I have been MIA for so long, life has been pretty hectic recently. Anyway, I have finally found some inspiration to get writing again so there is a new chapter for Life After The War!! Please comment good or bad! :) 
          I will also be going over the previous chapters and editing them. 


Hi everybody, hope you are well. To apologise for the really really long delay for an update on anything and unfortunately LATW will not be updated soon as I'm still struggling. 
          Anyway, there a TWO new head-canon's to keep you going until I can get a LATW update for you all.
          Happy Reading/Writing.


Hello, sorry that it has been so long.
          I just want to say that I have NOT forgotten you!! I will be going on holiday from Wednesday 30th September for two weeks and I plan to write as much as possible!! 
          I promise you all that I am trying my best and I really hope that I will have something to post once I get back.
          Happy Reading / Writing.


Hi all, 
          I knew that it has been ages since I wrote to you all and even longer since I updated anything but I promise you that I am working on it. Every now and then I get a sudden inspiration but not enough to make me write enough to upload. 
          Anyway, I want to thank you all for sticking with me and I hope that you continue to stick with me . 
          I love you all, you wonderful people. 
          Happy Reading/Writing 


Hi all. 
          Just a quick message to wish you all a very Happy New Year wherever in the world you are. 
          We have an hour and a half until midnight here in the UK.
          I hope you all have a very happy and healthy new year including all your friends and family. 
          Happy Reading / Writing
          P.S Sorry for the lack of update, I am trying but still not motivation. 


Hi all. 
          First, new Christmas special Head-Cannon is now up. Hope you like it! 
          Second, thank you for reading my Head-Cannon's. They have now reached 5,000 reads and that to me is just wonderful. Probably the best Christmas presents that I'll get.
          Third, I am working on LATW but I'm really struggling for inspiration atm so please stick with me. 
          Happy Reading / Writing