
Ah, those glorious moments when you open up Wattpad and have 66 notifications despite only having just checked it a little less than 24 hours ago…



You know those places that have like a "secret menu"? I live for those places. After I discover the secret menu, that is. Like my favorite boba place. Normally I get a peach-mango smoothie, and it's amazing (I'm so happy they do smoothies and milkshakes along with regular milk tea too). But the other day, I realized that they didn't have strawberry milk tea on their menu. They also didn't have matcha milk tea listed, but apparently it was a bestseller there. So I asked them if they did strawberry milk tea, and the woman at the counter said yes, it's not on the menu, but we can do it, and she went back to the kitchen and made one, and I tasted it and I am in love. It's by far the best strawberry milk tea I have ever had. So, my point is: figure out those places with the "secret menu" that's not really so much of a secret. They thrive off of those, and you get some pretty awesome food/drinks out of it.


Every time before applying to an applyfic I think, "I should really start using some of the OC's I had begun to create in my spare time for this, so that I can actually get the OC in on time." After that I think, "I should also really stop putting less unnecessary detail in these applications, I'm gonna end up killing the author some day." I think all that. And then I go, make like ten new OC's (only one of which I end up submitting), and put like 5 times the writing that I had done the last time I submitted something for an applyfic.



After many ages, I am finally going to continue writing "Running from Wolves". Why? Mostly because I finally got away from some of my schoolwork to replay that Dark Parables game, and now I'm like "DARK PARABLES" and spouting random trivia and information about it and gushing compliments about its art design again. Sometimes you just need a (couple years, sorry!!) break and a replay/rewatch to remind you how much you love something. That, and a little sister who's overly willing to drag you away from homework because she knows that you're trying to work yourself into the ground without meaning to. I'll also be continuing my other books. I won't be updating, like, 3 chapters a week or anything, but I'll try to update more than once a year. It's a start.


Ok, so I got my flu shot a few days ago, on Thursday, and have had a stuffy nose ever since (most vaccines tend to strongly affect me). But I stole my mom's leftovers from tsukemen the other day, which have a lot of spice added in, and OH MY GODS, I can finally breathe again!!! I'm so happy.
          Also this is really good tsukemen.