
Does anyone hate the SheHulk show too? Please I need someone to talk about this with!


“I never knew freedom could be such a cruel and difficult thing. Until now, I had always thought that being free meant being able to wear jeans and watch whatever movies I wanted without worrying about being arrested. Now I realized that I had to think all the time - and it was exhausting. There were times when I wondered whether, if it wasn't for the constant hunger, I would be better off in North Korea, where all my thinking and all my choices were taken care of for me.”
          Yeonmi Park, In Order to Live


    “It probably felt like the end of the world when people were being massacred by Nazi Germany or when the black plague started dropping people like flies or world wars, but it wasn't. It was only the end for them, of what they were, their lives. People somewhere still existed, so maybe when the outdwellers finish with what they're doing, people will still exist, not as they were but in some extraterrestrial zoo as an endangered species, like the Southern Corroboree Frog. The end of the world is never the end of the world. It's just the end of me.”

